RADIO NATIONAL - The Music Show 18 Sep 2022
Andrew Ford talks to Shane Lestideau about the Baillie Collection and Baillie Fantasias tour
Hornpipe & Highland President from 'Wintergarden Fantasias', 2023, ABC Classics
'Scotland's Tenducci' presented by MSO.Live, 2021 in Hamer Hall, Melbourne
Extracts from the 2019 Album 'Curious Caledonians' available through ABC Classics
Extracts from the 2019 Album 'One Hundred Days Away' available through ABC Classics
Extracts from the 2018 album and Australian tour entitled 'Snow in Summer'
Extracts from the "Classical Scotland" program, live at the Melbourne Recital Centre, 2017.
'Strike the Viol' by Purcell. Live recording of "Music of the British Isles" at the Melbourne Recital Centre, 2016.
'Playford Set'. Live recording of "Music of the British Isles" at the Melbourne Recital Centre, 2016.
'Twas Within a Furlong of Edinburgh Town' by McLean. Live recording of "Music of the British Isles" at the Melbourne Recital Centre, 2016.
'When She Cam Ben She Bobbit' with variations by O'Carolan. Live recording of "Music of the British Isles" at the Melbourne Recital Centre, 2016.
Extracts from the 'Caledonian Sonatas' Program. Live recording at the Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields Festival, Photographs at Medley Hall, Melbourne.
S Lestideau - 'Blooms Like Stars'. A composition based on the traditional scottish air "Twist Ye, Twine Ye" and a poem for Spring over the ground base of La Folia.
Shane Lestideau: Viola d'Amore & Voice, Manon Fritsch: Viola da Gamba, Catherine Walmetz: Soprano